Welcome to my humble Ang Pow collection blog. This blog will be a archive showcase all the Ang Pow collection that i had. Enjoy and have fun. Feel free to drop a comments or suggestions.
About The Author
Welcome to My Ang Pow dot Com. Let me introduce myself. I am Gilbert Lawrence. I am a designer, freelance photo-videographer, and part time web moderator.
Most people collect old currency notes or stamps, however i collect Ang Pow.
I had been start collecting Ang Pow since i am age 10. Initially it start as a personal interest in colorfully design red packets, collecting as it comes by, soon, i start meeting people who have similar interest in collecting Ang Pow and exchange them like precious stamps collections.
Most Ang Pow is collected from area around South East Asia. Some Ang Pow are free gift from Banks and merchandise, while other available to buy from online sources and local stationary shops.
The collections slowly grows, and an idea strikes me, why keep all the collections to myself while sharing my collections to the world is a better idea. Taking world’s most famous blog platform, wordpress, i start up this small website with domain “myangpow.com”. With some simple setup and modifications, the website is up and going.
Welcome, please be seated.
My Ang Pow may not be as complete as the major Ang Pow collector around, but i will keep update my collections to make is as complete as possible.
We welcome everyone to use this site wisely as a personal reference in understanding the world of Ang Pow culture. Although we work hard to ensure the data given is as accurate as possible and as informative as possible, but we do not guarantee a 100% accuracy or to be the latest updates.
This site was intended for personal interest and for education use. However you can adapt the content for other uses.
Most of the information is gathers from friends, other Ang Pow collectors, experience and good old google search and Wikipedia.
Graphic drawn in this website is purely “drawn and design from scratch” by using simple graphic editing tools. All photos of Ang Pow is purely from “personal collections”, and taken using DSLR at Home garage.
We do not affiliate with any company who designing and distribute the Ang Pow, hence some copyright might still uphold by the designer and distributor of the original Ang Pow.
We do not involve in selling of Ang Pow, however we encourage the community to actively exchange their Ang Pow collections like stamp collections.
We would hope you enjoy our humble little site. please click like if you like our site , and click share so others can see. Don’t hesitate to drop down a comments or two.